Home / Constructions / Wall – Inner wall – Fig num. 35
Vegg - Innervegg - Fig nr. 35

Wall – Inner wall – Fig num. 35


Wood-based board x2 (16 + 12mm)
48x73mm stud
70mm Mineral wool
48x73mm stud
70mm Mineral wool
Wood-based board x2 (16 + 12mm)


R 30 / El 60

Expected sound reduction


48x73mm stud

Insulation thickness

70mm Glass wool x2


Construction solutions shown are produced with Byggma products from Forestia AS with chipboards, Huntonit AS with wood fiber and MDF boards, Smartpanel AS with MDF boards, Masonite Beams AS with I-beams and I-studs.

The term wood-based boards indicate boards from the above-mentioned manufacturers, unless otherwise specified. The boards are installed in one or more layers.

Many constructions will include products from other manufacturers. For these products minimum values ​​of product properties from current standards have been used, if these are calculated values. Where test results are available, these are used.

Construction solutions that describe assembly and documented construction details are described in construction details for the Masonite beam at www.masonite-beams.com

For the board products, installation instructions and other documentation can be found on the relevant supplier’s website.


  • Fire
    For the constructions, documented fire resistance, for example R/EI30, has been described in joists, walls and ceilings. The fire class and requirements for surfaces required by the construction are assumed to be described by the consulting engineer. Documented fire resistance does not apply if changes are made to the structure or to the described insulation types. For sufficient fire resistance, the insulation must be placed from the bottom of the beam (down towards the ceiling) and upwards and secured against falling with steel wire or equivalent. When using Masonite beams, profiled I-beam insulation, which rests on the lower flanges, can be used. Load-bearing structures must have fire resistance R to ensure sufficient load-bearing properties and stability in the event of fire. In those cases, the occurring design load must be checked against the design capacity at the limit state of fire. Dimensional capacity is stated as maximum moment for joists/ceiling (kNm) or maximum load for studs (kN/m) for the actual construction solution.

In cases where the construction solution has been fire tested, the load (kN/m2) that was applied during the fire test is stated.

Passes and transitions to other building parts must be carried out so that they do not weaken the fire resistance.

When installing, for example, an electrical box, downlights etc. and for penetrations for pipes and other things in floor separators, products with documented fire resistance for use in the relevant floor separator must be used.


For constructions where this is applicable, current values ​​for the sound insulation are given. Values ​​for air and step sound are given for joists, while air sound reduction is given for external and internal walls. Suppliers of insulation types other than those described must document the sound properties.

There is a particularly high demand for correct execution and accuracy during assembly so that the expected sound results can be achieved.

* Changes in the described construction solution and execution may lead to changes in the construction’s fire and sound properties.

Links to websites with documentation:



